We are excited to launch a new addition to the Climate Change Cities website, the CCC Research Database.
Yes, we've gone meta… After over a year of original reporting and syndication of climate change related stories and scientific papers from around the world, we have come to the conclusion that a database of all the content that has been shared by all us, be it on the Climate Change Cities website, the Facebook page, or the Facebook Group page, should be collated into a database for general research purposes. Have you ever had that discussion with a friend or colleague where you needed a fact but just couldn’t find it fast enough? The CCC Database is for you. As you know our CCC community is founded in order to find proactive measures to combat and mitigate for climate change, and we value your contribution to the debate and expansion of knowledge in this rapidly growing field of grave concern to biodiversity and of course, humanity itself. We believe that settlement is one of the key drivers of climate change, and that cities have to be part of the solution.
As the climate emergency has intensified in recent months to the point of almost daily catastrophes ~ which do warrant our attention ~ the founding focus of Climate Change Cities remains on practical mitigation steps based on quality information and ideas. If you are a journalist, urban designer, architect, planner, policy maker or curious member of the public, the wealth of information our members have gathered is incredible, and spans seven main categories as follows:
Evidence of Climate Change Predictions and Impacts Philosophy, Politics and Policy Hypocrisy and Denialism Practical Steps Urban Design and Planning Architectural Design & Interiors
The CCC database grows at approximately 5 articles a day, and while the current iteration is in beta mode, an updated fully-searchable database is in the wings for early next year.
To take advantage of the wealth and clarity of the information on the database please feel free to register as a member on the official website. Its free, and furthermore you will be able to craft your own climate change stories and contribute as a CCC blogger from within the portal if you feel inspired to do so.
If you are one of the first twenty members who contribute an original article on the website, we are happy to reward you with three ACTIVE CONTRIBUTOR Climate Change Cities stainless steel water bottles, valued at $70.00.

Register as a member today and help us broaden the scope of the debate, and deepen the various areas of focus. We value your contribution and will not disclose your information to any third parties.
On an editorial note, our database currently indicates a relative lack of ideas around the role of architectural design and interiors in combating climate change so if you have some bright ideas there, we would greatly appreciate your contribution.
Looking forward a wealth of innovative ideas forward with you.
Don Albert - Founder and Editor in Chief.